
Gum Recession occurs when the gum tissue that is "attached" to the tooth moves further away from the tooth, exposing more tooth causing the tooth to appear larger. 

One can have a perfectly healthy mouth and still experience gum recession. 

Some Causes of Gum Recession:

  • Genetics - a person simply may be genetically predisposed to have thin, and therefore more fragile gum tissue.
  • Aggressive tooth brushing technique
  • Periodontal (gum) disease.
  • Use of abrasive (whitening) toothpastes
  • Orthodontics

All of these either alone or in some combination can lead to gun recession.

So what's so bad about gum recession? To list a few:

  • More likely to develop tooth sensitivity.
  • More likely to develop decay in the area where recession occurs.
  • Bone loss from around the tooth - hence more likely to lose teeth.
  • Affects appearance.

Treatment Options:

Several treatment techniques are used to treat gum recession. One involves the removal of tissue from the roof of the patient's mouth and using that to cover the area of recession. This technique extends healing time since it involves two separate surgical sites. 

The technique most preferred in our office is to use only one surgical site by releasing the tissue that is still attached around the tooth - place a special kind of "artificial" gum tissue underneath the patient's tissue, then pull the loosened tissue down around the tooth and suture it down to cover the tooth.


Most dental insurance policies offer coverage for treating gum recession. 

If you have noticed that you have developed gun recession, we will be happy to discuss the best approach to treating your particular situation.

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